This is your MasterClass
The world's greatest minds now in one app
We partnered with MasterClass to build their first-ever app for iOS and Android.
Browse like never before
A visual experience designed to capture all of MasterClass' awe-inspiring instructors.
Driving engagement
Discover incredible classes by simply swiping in any direction.
Show, don't tell
Enrollment made simple with an enticingly visual experience.
Be inspired every day
A feed to learn from the instructors you know and the ones you are yet to discover.
Across multiple platforms
An entire product ecosystem from Android to iPad.
A scalable experience designed to grow
From 50 instructors to over 500.
An incredible partnership
From kickoff to launch, Fantasy worked side-by-side with MasterClass to bring the entire experience to life.
App of the Day, globally
The MasterClass app is now at the top of the education category in the App Store.